Environmental Policy
Since the beginning of its activities NelStar has followed a policy of environmental conservation of a corporate citizen. In the preparation of the pastures, it maintained and preserved the existing flora, doing it in the adjusted terms with the competent authorities. It planted approximately 1,500 seedlings of various regional species, increasing the degree of environmental preservation. After 13 years, the forests are formed and filled with a fauna composed of several wild animals that daily circulate throughout the area.
- Captures the water necessary for its activities, originating from an artesian well, constructed with the authorization of the competent authorities and registered before the DNPM.
- Collects the effluents from its activities through 4 septic tanks.
- Has a system of differential collection of household waste, with separation of organic and non-organic waste.
- Follows the rules of collection and destination of residues of veterinary products, fertilizers, manure and the like.
- Composts organic waste from grass cutting, leaves and pruning of trees, cleaning of pastures, reusing them integrally in the activity itself.
- Collects and uses the solid residue of livestock for fertilization of its pastures and grass and sugarcane plantations.
The agricultural properties owned by the NelStar economic group are registered with CAR (Rural Environment Registry).
NelStar closely follows safety and labor protection standards.